Sexual assault, of all kinds, is the most underreported crime. But the rates of reporting elder abuse are even lower. Many elders who are sexually abused are harmed by their caretakers, or the people who keep them socially connected. These older survivors might not feel comfortable reporting their abuse because they need these caretakers or these caretakers have the ability to retaliate and cause even more harm. Other sexually assaulted elders might not have the physical or mental ability to report their abuse. Age can provide wisdom, knowledge, and contentment. But abusers and predators can see the elderly as an “easy target” for abuse because of their isolation, physical state, or mental abilities. If an elderly person you know tells you they are being abused, believe them and internally acknowledge the obstacles they’ve overcome to share their truth. The reasons abusers see the elderly as “targets” might be the same reasons elders might not be believed when they report sexual abuse. Find out some signs of elder sexual abuse at For older survivors, #DenimIsn’tAlwaysDenim.