Inspired by the groundswell of social activism in the cannabis industry, a group of cannabis advertising, marketing and communication professionals is developing a series of downloadable guides designed to inform on key issues while providing fundraising opportunities for nonprofits focused on those concerns.
Calling themselves the “Cannabis Creative Movement,” the group will use its collective talents to research, write and design a series of downloadable pamphlets, each focused on a particular pressing cannabis issue. In addition, each pamphlet will feature information from a specific nonprofit organization working to combat the issue, helping to raise awareness on ways individuals can get involved.
According to John Shute, CEO and Founder of PufCreativ, which is helping drive the effort, each month’s guide will provide information on an important issue in the cannabis community, as well as offer access to a nonprofit working to serve those most impacted by that issue. The hope is to draw attention to issues that can be difficult to discuss and as a result, often go undisclosed or ignored.
“When it comes to these concerns, you can never be too informed,” Shute said. “Very often, people are reluctant to ask about or discuss these issues. Our hope is that these guidebooks can provide an introduction on these important topics in a way that is not intrusive while generating awareness of organizations working to improve them.”